Monday, May 3, 2010

Where we are

Sam's cast came off on Friday. He is just miserable. He just wants me to hold him. He is whining and fussing. He is sad. It's worse now than right after the surgery.

I'm worried that he has an ear infection, or worse.

It's hard to comprehend how complete his misery is. He only wants me... He says daily: "I can't walk yet."

We tell him, "Soon, baby."

I don't want to eat, he tells me, after I make him his favorite dinner of quesadillas with cheddar and spinach and chicken with guacamole. His appetite has dwindled over the last few days since he's gotten his cast off. He told me today, "Mommy, I got my cast off, and it feels better." But still he won't really eat, and he's just so cranky. I'm taking him to the pediatrician tomorrow.

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